brihadeeswara temple

The construction of the temple is believed to have been a celebration in which people from various places around gathered at Thanjavur and became a part, right from the religious inscriptions & sculpting to the construction & manpower. During the several years of construction, the entire population was sufficed with food & shelter, and many […]
wooden brise soleils

Few architectural elements transform space as efficiently as brise-soleils. Designed as permanent devices that help mitigate solar heat gain, these sun-shading screens are most readily found in hot climate regions. Responding to solar orientation and building form, architects use brise-soleils to rethink the building envelope and interior conditions. Usually shaped as horizontal or vertical fins, […]
architectural sketch educators

Morpholio Trace, the team who brought the architects’ canary yellow trace paper into the digital world, has been on a ten-year mission to help foster a drawing renaissance for Architects. “Drawing is a form of thought, and the iPad was crucial in re-centering sketching as a primary means of generating and sharing ideas,” says Mark Collins, […]
fiber cement cladding
seamless door
american desert houses
architecture visualizations
human figures

“Architects project themselves into the human figure,” explains Noor Makkiya, who has collected a selection of figures from the sketches of the world’s best-known architects. “So if we compare drawings from different architects, we frequently find differences in body shape and body activity, for practicing architects often represent their own ideologies as a reference for understanding the […]
nordic noir
in ruins